Tag Archives: frank chu

What Can I Get for Two Dollars?

what can i get for two dollah?

So I was kinda inspired by the line which originated in Full Metal Jacket and that the 2 Live Crew swiped for “Me so Horny” and then more recently M.I.A. transformed into her own song, “Ten Dollar”.

I’ve had this two dollar bill fetish for a while and like to use them to tip etc. So if you see one around, it might be one that I’ve been putting back into circulation. They really are quite useful now with the price of things, etc.

Anyhow, I’ve been inspired to do a photo project merging the two tentatively called “what can I get for two dollars?”

Not sure how it’ll work exactly, but I’ll get a signed release and the compensation for that will be a $2 bill (which is what I once gave Frank Chu when I took a street shot of him, so perhaps he’ll be my first in the series)…

Bay to Breakers 2004

So I finally woke up early enough to grab drinks with Larry and his cabbie buddies after they got off work at 6:00 am. Since this weekend was Bay to Breakers, it made for perfect timing.

We met at Rich’s Club 93 on 93 Ninth Street just around the corner from the pad, so that was quite convenient.

Rich, the proprietor or Rich's
Rich, the proprietor or Rich’s Club 93

Pool was the game of the day

Late Night Larry
Late Night Larry

Bay to Breakers

Frank Chu, the perfect end to the race…