Perhaps the longest break this year between In-n-Out Burgers was well worth it. I had to shoot at the Wharf and was slightly hung over so this one promised to be amazing! Then today as I was listening to the Clark Howard Show, I hear that he’s a huge In-n-Out freak too. Not sure if he knows about “genex style” or “Zack style” but hopefully he’ll try it and if he likes it try and popularize it. For those who don’t know – genex style – is my personal favorite style which is just a Double Double, Animal Style, no pickles, but with raw onions (as well as grilled). The Zack style just adds chilies to it. So good! Oh and of course Clark Howard mentions that Consumer Reports rated In-n-Out as the #1 burger chain. As Tim Lincecum would say, “F*ck yeah!”