1st Annual Inner Mission Pinball Invitational – Round 2 results!

Finally got to play my first official match of the 1st Annual Inner Mission Pinball Invitational today and it was a good time!

Game 1 (Gene X on left, Anca on right)

Game 1 went to Anca after I had a great start but she rallied to finish me off on her final ball

Game 2 (Anca on left, Gene X on right)

Game 2 was where I had my best game and even got a free game.

So that left the final match to determine who would move on to the third round: Game 3 (Gene X on left, Anca on right)

One good ball made the difference although Anca was rallying on her final ball but it was just not quite enough…

We did run into Quincy who was hanging out and the infamous “BOO” who owns like all the top scores on this machine at Benders. He’s interested in getting in on the next tourney and Quincy took him on.  They played pretty closely although BOO (aka Chuck) was not happy with his play.