Tue June 15, 2010: In-N-Out Burger #27 – Double Double genex Style (correctly made) – Mill Valley, CA

Tue June 15, 2010: In-N-Out Burger #26 – Double Double genex Style (correctly made) – Mill Valley, CA

Heading back up to Napa means a visit to In-n-Out – this time the Mill Valley location, where I was foiled by a bunch of high school kids backing up the line out the door.  I shook my fist in anger but waited it out.  My “genex style” burger came out correctly although the receipt and order input was unique with them marking it as Onions Instead of Pickles. Since there’s some random background stuff in the pics from this meal, I was reading about the BP Oil Spill during my meal, and the receipt was shot on the back of the current issue of PDN (I am pretty sure that’s a Profoto ad with a Bruce Springsteen ad in it).