All posts by genex

Mochi Massage

Mochi Massage mascotRunning a small/independent business, you tend to want to support others who are doing so as well, and I worked with Mochi Massage recently, which my friend Winnie runs. They have a location in the Hobart Building on Market Street and I took some interior shots. This is a detail shot I liked from their space but check out their web site if you are interested in finding out more!

You can also check out reviews of Mochi on Yelp!

Soir Blue @ the Whitney

So I had never seen Edward Hopper‘s Soir Blue before I saw it at the Whitney last month with my sister. It’s definitely my favorite piece by Hopper mostly for the absurdist initial impression you get as well as the combination of characters in the scene. I hadn’t been to an opening for a while so it was nice to finally get to the Whitney. They were also showcasing their Summer of Love exhibit which had some neat pieces but was more a collection of the history than purely an art show (at least that’s how it felt to me). I did enjoy the museum although we didn’t have that much time to check everything out.

A good meal…

Rainbow after dinner
So this weekend was the 2007 NPC Jr Nationals in Chicago although in reality the whole weekend was spent at the Hyatt Regency in Rosemont, IL. Today I actually made it into Chicago and had a good authenic tasting Mexican dinner at Perez and when I stepped outta the restaurant all sated, looked up to see a rainbow. I wanted to get a shot while it was brighter but it faded by the time I go up two blocks to the overpass where I could see the full arc of it above the Sears Tower.