Category Archives: Dreams

Quotes from “Bonk”

Lacy Bradley - Yoga Instructor
While on vacation in Costa Rica, I picked up Bonk at SFO to read since I forgot to pack a book of my own selection. There are a few pretty funny lines in the book that made me laugh so I thought I’d transcribe a few of them:

page 241 – related to loss of time:
“Orgams appears to be a state not unlike that of the alien abductees one always hears about, coming to with messy hair and a chunk of time unaccounted for.”

page 252 – a pretty solid description of men’s behaviour:
“I give you a sentence, my favorite sentence in the entire oeuvre of Alfred Kinsey, from Sexual Behavior in the Human Female: ‘Cheese crumbs spread in front of a copulating pair of rats may distract the female, but not the male.'”

You can check out my other book reviews on the site – here’s my profile page.

If you would like to check out my reviews of where we stayed and what we did in Costa Rica, check out my TripAdvisor page.


x9 Wow, suddenly X9 is in my life. I think I should be a Bokononist. It’s that random factor where something just starts showing up a lot in your life. Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle is the book I’m enjoying right now. I defintely enjoy his writing and I guess he would be one of my favorite American writers. When I was little I thought that song was Secret Asian Man (which was me).

Tomato dreams

I bought tomatoes for the first time in a several weeks and last night I had a dream about them. It may have been also b/c Kara had taken her tomatoes out of her Double Double on Monday night at In-n-Out.

Anyhow, in my dream, I was eating with a few people on the coast or on a boat. One of the folks was Scott Carrelli and he had put out his tomatoes on his plate and it looked to me like he didn’t want them so when he went to the bathroom I took on half that he had and ate it.

When he returned he was unhappy with my tomato theft and I apologized and offered one of the five Hothouse Grown Trader Joes tomatoes that I had in the fridge.

What Can I Get for Two Dollars?

what can i get for two dollah?

So I was kinda inspired by the line which originated in Full Metal Jacket and that the 2 Live Crew swiped for “Me so Horny” and then more recently M.I.A. transformed into her own song, “Ten Dollar”.

I’ve had this two dollar bill fetish for a while and like to use them to tip etc. So if you see one around, it might be one that I’ve been putting back into circulation. They really are quite useful now with the price of things, etc.

Anyhow, I’ve been inspired to do a photo project merging the two tentatively called “what can I get for two dollars?”

Not sure how it’ll work exactly, but I’ll get a signed release and the compensation for that will be a $2 bill (which is what I once gave Frank Chu when I took a street shot of him, so perhaps he’ll be my first in the series)…

Strange Dream…

I was living with James Cook I think in some strange place in LA where our room was connected to a Chinese restaurant that had this dining area enclosed in our space so the windows to the restaurant looked out into the interior of our space. The backyard was grassy and there was a place where people kept their horses there.

Continue reading Strange Dream…


Weird dreams –

Two nights ago or so – dreamt I measured in about 1″ to 1.5″ from the outer edge of The Last Mile book that my friends Natalie Zee and Jason Wolf wrote to cut out an area on the inside where I could stash stuff since essentially I know I won’t actually read the book and I will most likely keep it. So I remembered my friend Dan’s hollowed out Bible and thought to make that same thing outta that book. In my dream I can’t remember if I finished it but in real life I wanted to do it as well. Then I could say it was a dream come true.

The next night I dreamt somehow I was with Kim Nations and Brenda Smith and Aubrey. We were driving around a dirt area and there was this huge mound of dirt we were circling up. Somehow we couldn’t drive further so we were sorta running. Well Brenda was short of breath and suddenly collapsed and was hurting bad and had trouble breathing. Aubrey said she’d stay with her to watch her so Kim and I ran back down to the car and it took us forever to get it going for some reason. Finally we were driving and went back to some town area where it was sorta like an Inn/strip mallish area but that no one was at, right next to a freeway.

I can’t quite remember what happened next, but it was definitely a bizzaro dream.