Category Archives: Muscle-aneous

Show me the muscle

Jaclyn flexes her biceps
So I was working at FallFest here in San Francisco photographing for Wells Fargo and San Francisco Magazine when at the end of the day this one girl came up in a group and got their photo taken which we were printing on site. I saw her sitting and chilling in from of our tent and told her the photo was ready. I coaxed her into another photo and then she busted out with the guns. Somehow she either knew I noticed them, or was just proud. Either way, she definitely caught my attention.


pocky bag
To my surprise I saw a dope ass Pocky bag while at the Olympia Expo this weekend. It was purchased in Thailand which I’ve noticed has been putting out some funky bags. Janeen Lankowski had a cool juice bag from Thailand and then this Pocky one. Since Pocky is one of my all time favorite snacks, I totally locked onto it when I saw this girl with it even in the crowded expo.

Orange Muscle

Back at the studio I painted up some PVC panels orange to use as a backdrop for a shoot although I haven’t done the shoot yet. Then this weekend in Saskatoon at the gym we shot in they had nice orange walls and I kind of got to see how an orange backdrop would look for shoots and was quite pleased with the results. This is one of the shots shot against the orange wall which I think the panels at the studio will look like:
Lyris Cappelle
model: Lyris Cappelle