Category Archives: with Photos

My Sunday in Five photos…

newsweek teach for america article

Started off slow after a shoot with Cindy and then when my work was done, I biked over to Dolores Park where I caught up on some reading – this was a good article in Newsweek about Teach for America.

Later on a guy on a bike rode by in his Threadless T-shirt and Rickrolled the park – hilarious!

I was drinking some Lagunitas and noticed a bee which was nice since I keep hearing about the collapse of bees…

Of course during my time in the park, I couldn’t resist twittering and saw that a few friends were in the park too but it was so crowded it wasn’t worth trying to find anyone…


So afterwards I went over to Elbo Room for a drink and to use their bathroom which of course had no line!

elbo room racer 5

and finished up the day playing a few video games…


the roof!

fire escapeYesterday was Andria’s birthday so we got lunch delivered and went up on the roof to enjoy the afternoon sunshine. It was a great day out so it was nice to eat outdoors. Myleen took this shot as I was descending back down the fire escape.

Quotes from “Bonk”

Lacy Bradley - Yoga Instructor
While on vacation in Costa Rica, I picked up Bonk at SFO to read since I forgot to pack a book of my own selection. There are a few pretty funny lines in the book that made me laugh so I thought I’d transcribe a few of them:

page 241 – related to loss of time:
“Orgams appears to be a state not unlike that of the alien abductees one always hears about, coming to with messy hair and a chunk of time unaccounted for.”

page 252 – a pretty solid description of men’s behaviour:
“I give you a sentence, my favorite sentence in the entire oeuvre of Alfred Kinsey, from Sexual Behavior in the Human Female: ‘Cheese crumbs spread in front of a copulating pair of rats may distract the female, but not the male.'”

You can check out my other book reviews on the site – here’s my profile page.

If you would like to check out my reviews of where we stayed and what we did in Costa Rica, check out my TripAdvisor page.