Category Archives: with Photos

Midwestern Landscape

Illinois landscape
Driving through Illinois I recalled how flat the terrain in the Midwest is. Tonight I was driving by and saw all these lights and smoke coming off the smokestacks and decided to pull over and take a shot. It was freezing though and super windy so it was tough to get a nice clear shot – then an Illinois State Trooper pulled up to check after I took this so I couldn’t take any more shots after this one…

Virgin Eyes and the decisive moment

henry wessel
I listened to Henry Wessel speak about photography and composition. It was fascinating since it reaffirmed something that I’ve noticed on my own. One of his statements was: “Once you recognize something, you are less aware.”

He gave an example of how once you know that a telephone pole exisits, you don’t really see it in regular life. Most of us walk by telephone poles all the time, and don’t notice them at all. It also has something to do with the pure mind and what it perceives and that’s often evident in shots where I end up loving my first shot more than the subsequent ‘more composed’ images. It also reminds me of how babies have that certain look in their eyes when they look around.

Check out the full podcast here on the SFMOMA website or grab it here.

Live music week – Of Montreal

Of Montreal at the GAMH - 2/4/2007
So two nights ago I was cruising around SF taking a walk and saw that Of Montreal was playing at the GAMH. I thought it was just on Sat night so didn’t think much of it. My sister had put one of their songs on a mix a while back which I liked so I sent her a photo of that and then realized that they were playing on Sunday night so I decided to check them out.

Well, the show was much different than I thought since the rest of their music was definitely different in style from what I had expected. Oh well. I didn’t even stay the whole show and ended up cruising over to Route 101 to finally check that dive bar out. A random evening to say the least…

Continue reading Live music week – Of Montreal

The View from OAK

SF from OAK
Today I flew into San Diego from OAK and I found a cool perspective of San Francisco that I hadn’t seen before. If you are at Gate 17 you can see San Francisco including the top of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge from the window there. I was hoping our plane would be facing the same way and snapped off this shot, but I liked the perspective from inside the gate better. Will have to bring a big lens next time I travel to get a closer shot…