Category Archives: with Photos

Steel city…

pittsburgh shack
When I was in Pittsburgh last month, James Cook and I went up one of the hills on an ‘incline’ which was like a ski lift/escalator/room. Pittsburgh was remarkably hilly and I had no idea what to expect, but really did like the city.

We passed by this shack that was so run down, but had a running TV inside. At first I was thinking it might be an art installation but then thought better of that and it seems to be the valet hut for a nearby fancy restaurant.

The British are coming…

My friend, British journalist Hans Klein, came to San Francisco for a story he was doing on the Church of John Coltrane which is here in the city. I’ve always wanted to check it out but have yet to go. Hans was also in Vegas the previous week where we were both covering the 2006 NPC USAs so it was good to hang out in a different context.

Since the British pound is so strong, it made sense for him to purchase a powerbook in the states (which he’s shown using here).

Crack House demolition

On Tuesday I awoke to the booming thuds of construction work which it turns out was the crack house across the street getting razed. I decided to set up a camera to put together a time lapse animation but the files are too big so I’ll have to figure that out another time. Here’s a final shot of the space from yesterday…

Natoma Street Crack House demolition


Oh man, I’ve always loved cream puffs, but really it was just the ones my mom used to make that I loved best.

Recently a cream puff shop opened up and I saw a huge ass line there and haven’t been back since to try it out. In the paper today they had a whole article about it – turns out it’s a Japanese chain so I’m even more intririgued – looks like it’s time for some Yelp homework!

San Jose Museum of Art