Stormtrooper Bar Crawl (Wondercon 2010 )

Stormtrooper bar crawl at Eve, SOMA, SF

So I finally got to wear the stormtrooper armor I got a long ass time ago and never put together.  Thanks to my friend James Cook who constructed it, I was finally able to try it out this past weekend at the Stormtrooper Bar Crawl that I had found on Yelp. After finally figuring out how to put the thing on, I stepped out onto Guerrero Street and started walking to the MUNI stop on Mission.  People were definitely amused and once I got on the bus, it was funny to see the reactions.  Everyone seems to know stormtroopers and it’s nice to be anonymous behind the mask too (although it’s freaking hot and gave me an interesting type of  ‘helmet head’).  Of course during a bar crawl you have to do two things: drink (which you have to take the helmet off for), and pee, which was actually much easier than I thought initially it might be.  With the helmets off and sitting on the bar, everyone wants to put them on which I was pretty much fine with, especially when a bunch of the bar staff did it at Eve and gave us free shots in exchange (see photo above).

Peter Mayhew, the original Chewbacca, also snuck up on us during a photo which was kinda random and surreal (left) and I don’t think I would have realized it was him if it wasn’t for the other fans who picked up on it right away.

Jillians was our first stop and that’s me on the far right with the bourbon and orange/white Pumas.  Check out photos from Omar “Big O” B. (the other Asian trooper guy) and Dennis O.